Employee Spotlight Series: Q&A with Chenlu Wang

September 24, 2024, 02:09

The brains behind our brand

In this month’s edition of “The Brains Behind Our Brand,” we spotlight our Senior Data Scientist, Chenlu Wang, whose mastery of deep learning is redefining how our clients connect with their audiences. With nearly four years at Cognitiv, she combines her background in biophysics with her passion for machine learning, transforming complex data into actionable insights.

Get ready to be inspired as we unravel her journey, accomplishments, and the unique aspects of Cognitiv that fuel her passion for innovation.

Pronouns: She/Her

Role: Senior Data Scientist

Team: Science

Cognitiv Tenure: 3 years and 9 months

How would you describe your job to someone who doesn’t work in your department? 

I develop deep learning models that help ensure our clients’ ads reach the right people at the right time and in the most relevant context. Essentially, my models predict the ideal audience and determine when and where ads should be shown for the greatest impact. But it is not just about building the model—I also ensure everything runs smoothly when those models are live in ad campaigns. Afterward, I analyze their performance to gain insights into the real-world behaviors the models have learned from the data, which is always fascinating to see.

Can you share a bit about your background and how you landed at Cognitv? 

I spent many years as a biophysicist studying cell movement. My first exposure to machine learning came when I used it to identify different modes of cell movement from large amounts of time-lapse images. That experience opened my eyes to the power of machine learning in extracting valuable insights from complex data, and it really sparked my interest in applying machine learning to solve real-world problems beyond the lab.

Years later, after returning to the workforce as a mom, I was looking for my second industry role and found a job posting from Cognitiv. The data analyst role aligned perfectly with my passion for using data to drive meaningful impact. During the interview, I was impressed by how intelligent the team was and how supportive the company culture felt. Learning about programmatic advertising got me excited, and I was eager to dive into this dynamic industry.

What aspect of Cognitiv makes you proud to work here?

What makes me proud to work at Cognitiv is how unique we are in the advertising industry. We are not just using cutting-edge deep learning techniques in programmatic advertising—we are always thinking ahead and constantly pushing ourselves to innovate. New ideas come up every day, and it is exciting to be part of a team that is always exploring what is next. I also love how we focus on making real progress in the right way. Every time we come up with something new, we are not just advancing our own goals but pushing the entire industry forward. Being part of that kind of momentum makes me proud every day.

Can you share an accomplishment or project you are most proud of from your time at Cognitiv? Tell us about it.

One of the accomplishments I am most proud of is building a modeling flow that selects the best creative to display based on the audience’s features and the context in which the ad appears. It was the first type of model I developed from the ground up at Cognitiv, starting with the initial version. Now, we are on the fourth version, and it has become the new benchmark in our process. There were definitely bumps along the way, and I ran out of ideas more than once. But I never felt alone in the journey—my team was incredibly supportive, and I was constantly inspired by feedback and advice from my mentors and colleagues. That sense of collaboration made a big difference.

Who on #TeamCognitiv inspires you the most, and why?

It’s tough to choose just one person because so many amazing people here inspire me with their intelligence and attitude every day. But if I had to pick, I would say Jeffrey Uslan. Since he joined the team, I have noticed that he is always full of innovative ideas. I used to think some people were just naturally gifted with creativity, but then Jeffrey shared his approach to gathering ideas from everyday tasks and how he builds on them over time to bring them to life. What really stands out to me is that he never limits himself—he is always making an effort to expand his skills. In fact, I know he recently added mastering C++ to his skill set, which is really impressive.

What advice would you give someone just starting their career in our industry?

Stay curious. If something catches your interest or seems off, dive in and find out why. Your curiosity will open doors and lead you to a deeper understanding of the field. The more you explore, the more you will discover.

Describe your ideal weekend.

My ideal weekend definitely includes trying out a new restaurant and ending with a movie or a drama. I also love spending time outdoors with my family, whether hiking, biking, or paddle boarding in the summer, skiing in the winter, or driving to the Oregon coast for a beach walk or crabbing. Those activities make the weekend perfect.

Let’s end with a fun fact! Tell us something unique about you – maybe your Astrology sign, a talent, favorite vacation spot, etc. 

A fun fact about me is that my daughter and I went for our first ear piercing together. Ever since I was a teenager, I had dreamed of sharing that moment with my future daughter. That dream came true when my daughter wanted to get her ears pierced and asked me to join her. We held each other’s hands throughout the process, and it is one of our best mother-daughter memories so far.

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