Embracing Festivity: A New Approach to Industry Events

June 12, 2024, 02:06

Deep learning gives advertisers more time to focus on new challenges, more chances to think up new ideas, and more ways to grow their business. Cognitiv’s recent brand campaign highlights the incredible outcomes possible when you “reclaim your brain.” Many of the outcomes showcased, such as Invention, Collaboration, Reflection, Transformation, and Inclusion are also part of the fabric of our brand values. In this series, we look inward, with team leaders highlighting how these words and outcomes are brought to life within our own walls.

In the crazy adtech space, where deals are sealed, strategies take shape, and innovations come to life, celebrations can often get lost in the shuffle. I feel lucky enough to work for a company in adtech that does things a bit differently. At Cognitiv, we are making the industry a whole lot More Festiv, one awesome event at a time. In this piece, I will dive into the “how” and “why”—exploring the unique ways Cognitiv fosters a culture of celebration and innovation, highlighting the strategies and events that set us apart in the bustling world of adtech.

Getting Started

At the heart of my team’s approach is a bold shift in mindset and an eagerness to embrace both beloved and unconventional tools and tactics when conceptualizing events. Platforms like Pinterest and LinkedIn offer unique opportunities to find inspiration, spark creativity, and build connections with like-minded individuals and companies. By exploring the innovation of companies we admire and staying on top of trends in our industry, we are able to develop our “North Star” and work towards creating fresh ideas and approaches to incorporate into our own events.

I also love harnessing the power of ChatGPT to elevate our brainstorming sessions. With creative prompts and collaborative brainstorming, my team and I can unlock innovative concepts and infuse new energy into our event planning process.

Why Focus On Festivity?

Our work is about more than just throwing parties or hosting networking events for adtech professionals. It’s about creating inclusive, vibrant gatherings that unite the entire industry. Our events welcome everyone—clients, partners, advocates, and stakeholders—to celebrate the diverse contributions we all bring to the proverbial advertising table. 

At the end of the day, we are all consumers who want to go to fantastic events and capture super cool moments. In a world where time is precious, our events provide a break and an opportunity to connect with industry leaders, explore new opportunities, and build genuine relationships. Whether advancing diversity and inclusion goals, exploring innovation budgets, or simply making new friends, our events catalyze positive change and growth within our industry and beyond. 

In a landscape where taking risks can feel daunting or out of place, our company culture encourages us to push boundaries and embrace creativity, a philosophy that starts at the top. With support from an incredible management team, Cognitiv understands that everyone craves meaningful connections and memorable experiences. By infusing our events with a More Festiv spirit, we create environments where attendees network and feel valued, inspired, and eager to return for more. 

Embracing Celebration

In our workplace, the spirit of festivity is immensely important. We recognize milestones and achievements while embracing the things that may not traditionally be celebrated in the workplace—at least in an authentic and meaningful way. As a company, we are committed to giving back, not just with the occasional grand gesture but through our sustained efforts throughout the year that truly make a difference. 

Platforms like Givsly and events like Neural Networking are not just about pushing out products or ticking boxes—they are about advocating for important industry topics like diversity, inclusivity, women’s leadership, and driving positive change in our industry. For example, we were pioneers in bringing together trailblazing executives in diversity and inclusion for our September 2023 Neural Networking event, School’s in Session, and we are actively leading discussions on challenges such as cookieless tracking and biases in AI. These unique events and activations really set us apart, especially in Cannes. 

Cannes Lions is a global stage where the best and brightest in advertising converge to celebrate creativity and innovation. Our presence at Cannes has always been about more than just showcasing our latest achievements—it has been about pushing the envelope on critical issues facing our industry today through our remarkable event lineup. 

In the vibrant advertising landscape, I firmly believe that cultivating festivity isn’t just optional—it’s the key to fostering profound connections, igniting innovation, and propelling us toward a more inclusive and impactful industry. By coming together, sitting on panels, shaking hands, and brainstorming solutions, we’re celebrating an inflection point and shaping the future of advertising, one positive and festive moment at a time. 

I look forward to seeing everyone in Cannes next week, where we will raise a toast to each other, continuing the progress and the power of coming together as a community to make advertising work for everyone.

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